
User Guide: Support Agent Tab


BlueFletch's Support Agent dashboards provide all users with useful and easily filterable data on a variety of device and organization business cases. The Reports page in the BlueFletch Portal is an interface for creating, managing, scheduling, and subscribing to automated email reports of the most recent data from dashboard cards. The report comes in the form of a CSV file of a card's data filtered by date range, and by site if desired.

Reports Roles and Permissions

To create a role that supports access to the Reports page, the permission Support Report Manage or Support Report View is required. Support Report View (included in the predefined User role) permits a user to only view and subscribe to active reports. Support Report Manage (included in the predefined Admin role) permits a user to view, subscribe to, create, and manage all of an organization's reports.

A view-only user will be able see all active (published) reports, search for reports by name, filter by report frequency, and select options for interacting with reports:

  • View Report to see the report's full details.

  • Subscribe to receive the report in his/her email inbox when the report is dispatched.

A managing user will see tabs for Active (published), Inactive (published but deactivated), and Draft (incomplete or unpublished) reports. A managing user will also be able to search for reports by name and filter by report frequency. In addition to View Report and Subscribe, a managing user will be able to select the options:

  • Activate for completed drafts and inactive reports to publish them and move them to the Active tab.

  • Edit for drafts and inactive reports to make changes to their content.

  • Delete for drafts and inactive reports to remove them.

  • Deactivate for active reports to remove them from circulation and move them to the Inactive tab.

  • Send Test Report for all reports to send a one-time test of the report email to the user's Portal login email address.

Create and Activate New Report

Creating reports requires a role with the Support Report Manage permission.

  1. On the Reports page, press the New Report button in the upper right corner.

  2. In the Create Report editor, enter text for Report Name and Description fields. A report requires Report Name at minimum to save as a draft.

  3. Select a report frequency value from the Repeat dropdown. Options are "Daily", "Weekly", and "Monthly"; the default is "Daily". If selecting "Weekly", also select the Send Out Day value; the default is "Sunday".

  4. Select a Send Out Time. Options are "12:00 AM", "06:00 AM", "12:00 PM", and "06:00 PM"; default is "06:00 AM".

  5. Select a Time Zone; default is the user's current time zone.

  6. Select a Card; any public-level and organization-level Data Table or Data Table 2 type card is available to select. A card and/or dashboard must be selected to activate the report.

  7. Select a Dashboard; any public-level and organization-level is available to select. A card and/or dashboard must be selected to activate the report.

  8. Select one or more Sites (optional) and/or site tags to filter the report data for all subscribers to only data relevant to the selected sites.

    Note: Not all cards have site data to filter; only select sites if creating a report for a card with a "Site" column.

  9. Select one or more Device Types (optional) to filter the report data for all subscribers to only data relevant to the selected device models.

  10. Enter an Email Subject and an Email Description; an Email Subject is required to activate the report.

  11. To add recipients/subscribers to the report, press Add from User List button and select one or more organization Portal users. To add email addresses that do not belong to Portal users, type an email address in the Enter Email field and press the + button to add to the Recipient List. Recipients can be searched or deleted from the list before saving.

  12. If all the required fields (Report Name, Card, and Email Subject) cannot be filled at the moment, or if the report should not be scheduled for dispatch yet, press Save as Draft to save the incomplete report under the Draft tab.

  13. If all the required fields are filled and the report creator wants to see before saving how the test will look when it is dispatched, press the Send Test Report button in the upper right corner and confirm that the test should be sent. An email will be dispatched to the user's Portal login email address.

  14. If the report is complete and ready to be scheduled for dispatch, press Save and Activate to save the report under the Active tab.

Subscribing to Reports

Any user role with the Support Report View or Support Report Manage permission can subscribe to a report. Only active reports are available for subscription.

  1. To have a report sent to the user's Portal login email address, press the report's three-dot option menu and select Subscribe.

  2. In the confirmation box, toggle the Show/hide filtered sites switch to the "on" position.

  3. After subscribing, sites can selected by pressing the Sites option within the report's three-dot option menu. The list can be searched, and the selection can be cleared by pressing Reset to Default. If no sites are selected, that user's CSV report will include all the sites' data.

  4. To discontinue receiving a report at the user's Portal login email address, press the report's three-dot option menu and select Unsubscribe. A toast will display temporarily at the bottom of the page confirming the unsubscription and providing an Undo button in case the unsubscription was accidental.

Edit and Delete Reports

Editing and deleting reports requires a role with the Support Report Manage permission.

  1. To edit a report, the report must be in the Inactive or Draft tab; select the Deactivate option on an active report to move it to the Inactive tab. Select Edit from a report's three-dot option menu to open the Edit Report editor. All fields can be changed. Required text fields (Report Name and Email Subject) cannot be saved to empty values if they have already been filled before.

  2. To delete a report, the report must be in the Inactive or Draft tab. Select Delete from a report's three-dot option menu. An alert box will display prompting confirmation.

Last updated