
User Guide: Admin Tab


A BlueFletch Portal user who has been assigned a role with organization-level Admin permissions will have available some or all of the features within the Admin tab, depending on the precise permissions in his or her role. In its entirety, the Admin section allows an administrative user to configure settings for organization's Portal site and the frequency of its communication with devices, view and copy the organization's BlueFletch Enterprise license key, setup single sign-on functionality for the Portal, manage Portal users and their roles, download the latest BlueFletch APK files, view the available Playbook Agents, manage Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) settings, and query logs of changes to the Portal.


The Organization subtab lists the essential details of the organization's BlueFletch Portal account, specifically its Organization ID, Organization State, License Expiration, Created at date and time, and last Updated at date and time.

Within a three-dot option menu on the left are options for accessing License Key SSO Config, and Manage Organization settings. For details on configuring an SSO, see the full documentation here.

License Key

Select the License option to open a pop-up window displaying the License Key value. The key can be copied for use elsewhere, such as in a Launcher Configuration file.

Manage Organization

Select the Manage Organization option to open the organization's settings editor.

The Name and Code of the organization have already been set at the organization's creation, and cannot be edited here. Contact your BlueFletch representative if a change needs to be made to these values.


Set details for the organization's contact person in the Name and Phone boxes.


To customize the organization's Portal theme to suit its brand colors, use the fields Primary color and Secondary color. Clicking Edit Color for each color allows selection of the color by a spectrum, hex code, RGB values, or HSL values. Primary color determines the color of the Portal's main navigation tab bar, several buttons, hyperlink text, and loading spinners. Secondary color determines the color of the subtab navigation bar.

An administrator can set a custom organization logo for the Portal, which will appear in the upper left corner on the main navigation bar of each page. Press Add Logo (or Change Logo if there is already a logo) and select an image file from the computer. After completing organization settings changes and pressing Save, the organization's logo will not update until after the user logs out and logs back in.

The logo can also be removed by pressing Remove Logo. After logging back into the Portal, the custom logo will have been replaced with the BlueFletch logo.

Portal Login Options

Three login settings can be set for the organization:

  • Token Expiration Days: The number of days that a user for that organization will stay logged-in to the BlueFletch Portal before their session expires. The options are 1, 7, 15, or 30 (default is 7).

  • Maximum Login Attempts: The number of password attempts that a user has to login to the BlueFletch Portal before they are locked out (default is 10).

  • Lockout Duration (seconds): The length of time in seconds that a user will be prohibited from logging-in to the BlueFletch Portal after they enter the maximum number of incorrect passwords (default is 600).

Key Management Options

The Legacy API Key is listed statically at the top of the Key Management Options section.

If Use Key Management toggle is turned on, three settings are available for configuring device key management:

  • Device Key Expiration Days: The number of days that a device key stays active before it expires. The expiration timeframe can be set between a minimum of 30 and a maximum of 90 days (default is 45). Each device key's expiration date, based on this configuration, is listed on the Admin - Device Keys page.

  • Device Key Rotation Days: The number of days into a device key's lifecycle at which the Portal automatically generates a new key to replace the expiring key. The rotation timeframe can be be set between a minimum of 30 and a maximum of 90 days, and it must be less than the value of Device Key Expiration Days (default is 30).

  • Device Token Expiration Minutes: The number of minutes that an access token is active on a logged-in device before it expires and is automatically regenerated by the Launcher. The expiration timeframe can be set to a value of 5 minutes or greater (default is 60).

The toggle Enforce Allowed IP Addresses for Devices is turned off by default. If turned on, this setting will prevent devices from connecting to BlueFletch data service APIs and retrieving organization data unless their IP addresses fall within an allowed list of IP ranges.

WARNING: Please contact BlueFletch before turning the Enforce Allowed IP Addresses for Devices switch on, as BlueFletch will need to manually allow the organization's IP ranges or else all devices will be blocked from receiving organization data.

Organization Options

An organization can choose to enable or disable the FindMe feature on devices through the Device Finder application. If the Allow Device FindMe toggle is turned on, the Device Finder app will be able to ping other devices at the same site with the Device Finder app installed. If the toggle is turned off, devices will not be able to be pinged from other devices, but will still be able to be pinged from the Portal's Support Agent via specific dashboards or individual Device Details pages.

Support Data

The administrator can establish the organization's default dashboard (the dashboard displayed on the Support Agent - Home page). Select the desired dashboard from the list of main dashboards in the Default Dashboard dropdown menu. If not selected, the Home page will display the system default dashboard.

The Dashboard Timeframe (hours) field sets the default time/date filter range for all dashboards. The value must be a whole number and reflects hours prior to the current time (default is 48).

The Default Refresh Rate (minutes) field determines how frequently the Portal's dashboards refresh. The value most be a whole number, 2 or greater, and reflects the number of minutes to wait since the web page was opened or last refreshed.

Playbook Agent Settings

Selecting a value from the Polling Interval dropdown determines how often the Playbook Agent on a device will check if there are changes in its BlueFletch Portal Playbook with which it should synchronize. The interval options in hours (h) are 0h, 1h, 2h, 4h, 8, 16h, 24h, and the default is 1h. The toggle switch Polls for changes only while cradled sets whether the device-side agent will also check when it is off the charger/in use or only while charging (cradled). The default is "on" (true), where the Agent only checks while cradled. Select a default Agent version number to allow Playbook MDM devices to automatically update their Playbook Agents to the version selected if they are outdated (optional).

After making all of any changes desired, press Save to save all changes - or Cancel to revert all changes - and return to the Organization page.

Last updated