Luggage Tag Mode

Luggage Tag Mode is a Launcher feature that secures potentially lost devices by locking the device when it goes out of network range or a geofence location.


Luggage Tag is a Launcher feature that enables organizations to stay on top of device visibility, data security, and workforce efficiency at all times. It locks the device when it goes out of network range (or a geofenced location) and when the user is not connected to an approved network specified in the Launcher configuration. It then automatically unlocks the device when it is back in range and when a connection is restored to an approved network. Authorized users can immediately unlock the device using an admin-defined passcode.

User Guide

Luggage Tag allows IT administrators to limit where corporate devices can be used. When it is activated, security rules can be set up to allow access to sensitive information and/or corporate data when the device is within the network range specified in the Launcher configuration.

  1. When the Launcher goes out of network range or moves out of the geofenced location after a period of time, the Launcher locks the screen to prevent unauthorized use of the device.

  2. The Launcher periodically plays an audio alarm for 10 seconds while the device is in Luggage Tag mode.

  3. When the device returns to the network range, the Launcher unlocks the screen.

  4. If the device is locked, authorized users can unlock the screen to continue working offline.

Feature Configuration

To set up Luggage Tag mode for a particular device profile or device group, please follow the steps below:

Enabling Luggage Tag

To enable the Luggage Tag feature, add a luggageTag configuration section in the Launcher JSON file:

 "luggageTag": {    "enable": true,    ...  },

Setting Up the Range

To set up the range where Luggage Tag mode activates, enter the list of network SSIDs. If the Launcher is not connected to any of these networks, it enters Luggage Tag mode:

  "approvedNetworks": [    ...    "office-wifi-1",    "office-wifi-2",    ...  ]

Defining Lock Screen Information

You can customize the logo, address, and phone number for the lock screen when luggage tag mode is enabled. An example configuration is shown below:

  "luggageTag": {    ...    
  "logo": "",    
  "line1": "123 Blue Fletch Street",    
  "line2": "Atlanta, GA 45678",    
  "email": "",    
  "phoneNumber": "(855) 529-6349",    ...  },

Note: The lock screen only displays what is defined.

Setting Up the Lock Screen Delay

Luggage Tag mode activates after leaving an approved network for a specified period of time. To configure Luggage Tag mode activation timing, define the number of minutes in the configuration:

  "luggageTag": {    ...    "thresholdInMinutes": 30,    ...  },

Setting Up the Audio Alarm Settings

When the Luggage Tag Mode activates, an alarm triggers. The alarm sounds for a few seconds (fixed) only. If the device is still out of range, the alarm sounds off at 10-minute intervals (configurable). The example below show the loop configuration for the alarm to sound every 10 minutes:

  "luggageTag": {    ...    "alarmLoopInMinutes": 10  },

Defining the Unlock Passcode

Sometimes, the device may lose network connectivity and may have to bypass the Luggage Tag mode. When you enter the passcode, the device unlocks temporarily. In this scenario, you can define a passcode in the configuration using the SHA256 format:

  "luggageTag": {    ...    "unlockPassword": "936A185CAAA266BB9CBE981E9E05CB78CD732B0B3280EB944412BB6F8F8F07AF",    ...  },

Putting It All Together

For the example described above, the full configuration for the Luggage Tag mode is as follows:

"luggageTag": {    
   "enable": true,    
   "thresholdInMinutes": 30,    
   "logo": "",    
   "line1": "123 Blue Fletch Street",    
   "line2": "Atlanta, GA 45678",    
   "email": "",    
   "phoneNumber": "(855) 529-6349",    
   "alarmLoopInMinutes": 10  
"approvedNetworks": [    

Luggage Tag Mode was introduced in Launcher 3.8.x.

Last updated