Technical Guide


Simple installation and launching of the application will determine and set the ID for BlueFletch applications to retrieve.

Intent Actions

Initial Device Setup

The initial action 'android.intent.action.MAIN' will cause the device ID to be retrieved and properly stored for BlueFletch Enterprise to utilize. This action will allow the UI to be displayed showing the Device ID.

ADB Example:

adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n com.bluefletch.ems.deviceid/com.bluefletch.ems.deviceid.MainActivity

Airwatch/Workspace ONE Example:


Init the ID

The action 'com.bluefletch.ems.deviceid.ACTION_INIT' causes the device ID to be set. The UI will not be displayed.

ADB Example:

adb shell am start -a com.bluefletch.ems.deviceid.ACTION_INIT -n com.bluefletch.ems.deviceid/com.bluefletch.ems.deviceid.MainActivity

Airwatch/Workspace ONE Example:


Rename the Device

The action 'com.bluefletch.ems.deviceid.ACTION_SET_NAME' will allow for renaming a device to an organization desired name.

The action takes two parameters: deviceName and org_id.

  • deviceName: Represents the new name/ID. Replace the "NEWNAME" placeholder below with the organization's desired name.

  • org_id: Represents the ID of the organization as displayed within the BlueFletch Portal. Replace the "ORGID" placeholder below with the organization ID.

ADB Example:

adb shell am start -a com.bluefletch.ems.deviceid.ACTION_SET_NAME -n com.bluefletch.ems.deviceid/com.bluefletch.ems.deviceid.MainActivity --es deviceName NEWNAME --es org_id ORGID

Airwatch/Workspace ONE Example:


Application Details

Package: com.bluefletch.ems.deviceid

Last updated