
User Guide: Admin Tab


Administrators in organizations that have chosen to enroll in BlueFletch's Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) toolset will have an additional subtab under Admin, the Enterprise subtab. Enterprise provides settings management for the BlueFletch EMM Console. Upon first being set up with EMM capabilities by BlueFletch, an administrator can register his or her organization with Managed Google Play by clicking the Enroll Enterprise button on this page.

To edit the settings for an existing enterprise, press the pencil icon. If desiring to unenroll from an enterprise, contact your BlueFletch representative.

When editing enterprise settings, the only required field to save changes is Enterprise Display Name, which is empty by default. The Enterprise Name is a static value generated by the server during creation, in the form "enterprises/{enterpriseId}".

Using a custom Android Device Policy Controller allows organizations enrolled in EMM to display a logo on their devices during enrollment. The Logo field uses a URL to define this logo. The Sha256 Hash field is automatically populated with a base-64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the URL's content upon saving the logo URL.

Note: BlueFletch does not currently support custom device policy controllers and Android Enterprise is no longer accepting new registrations for them.

Primary Color

To set the enterprise's branding color that will display on the devices as certain accents on the enrollment flow screens, use the Primary Color field. Clicking Edit Color allows selection of the branding color by a spectrum, hex code, RGB values, or HSL values.


Provide sign-in details for authentication if the organization's EMM device will be provisioned with a sign-in enrollment token. Only the Sign In URL field is required; Sign In Enrollment Token and QR Code cannot be edited; they will be automatically poulated from the sign-in URL when the enterprise settings are saved.

Terms And Conditions

Submitting Header and Content field sets sections of terms and conditions that will be viewable and accepted on each device during provisioning.

When finished editing, press Save to return to the Enterprise page, where major settings such as display name and primary color will be highlighted.

Last updated